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CCiste "le p'tit nouveau"
Inscrit le : 18/04/2022
Messages : 9

 The roof went into emergency mode Empty The roof went into emergency mode

Message par stanmitchel Ven 27 Mai 2022 - 9:01
When laying the wiring to the rear view camera, I thought of leaving the roof in a semi-assembled position because it was easier to lay the wires, now the car makes a warning sound when driving that the roof is open, although it is in the closed state, tell me what to do, how to remove the roof from emergency
Staff CClovers
Cciste Ardent

Staff CClovers  Cciste Ardent
Dragon Inscrit le : 14/02/2016
Messages : 29948
Age : 48

 The roof went into emergency mode Empty Re: The roof went into emergency mode

Message par seb69 Ven 27 Mai 2022 - 10:01
Try this.....

You decompress the pump a quarter turn to the left
you pick up the two white hooks that hold the trunk, not the U's that you must not touch and leave up
you open the trunk manually as it opens when you open the roof
you start the engine
you roll down the 4 windows
you open the windshield hooks
you open the trunk like when the roof goes into the trunk
you block it with the pump key on the right side through the hole circled with a white eyelet from the axle of your cc
you open the roof manually
you close the roof manually
you close the trunk after removing the allen key without trying to key it
you close the pump a quarter turn to the right without forcing
you complete the maneuver with the button on the roof
you test your roof opening closing electrically with the engine running

La sagesse c'est de rester libre envers soi - même.
Plus les Hommes seront éclairés, plus ils seront libres.
D'abord respecter l'Homme. La hiérarchie (grade) ensuite...

Valise diag PP2000 pour aider
CCiste "le p'tit nouveau"
Inscrit le : 18/04/2022
Messages : 9

 The roof went into emergency mode Empty Re: The roof went into emergency mode

Message par stanmitchel Sam 28 Mai 2022 - 12:12
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] it's doesn't work :(
Maybe there is some way to reset all roof errors?
De-energize some control unit?
Staff CClovers
Le Schtroumpf noir

Staff CClovers  Le Schtroumpf noir
Tigre Inscrit le : 24/06/2016
Messages : 16397
Age : 50

 The roof went into emergency mode Empty Re: The roof went into emergency mode

Message par ttersu Sam 28 Mai 2022 - 12:39
Hello, the only way to clear all errors in the calculator is with PP2000, the Peugeot software.
I think yours is locked because of too many codes in calc's memory.

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